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Campus News
Stay connected with Wester Middle through the latest news and announcements happening at our school. Check out our most recent news below. If there is a story idea or announcement you feel we missed, please contact the campus webmaster.
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All students are eligible to go to Alley Cats in Burleson on May 8th.
Visit with organizations that provide services for people with disabilities on Saturday, February 1st from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm at First Methodist Church - Mansfield on Walnut Creek Dr.
Preview the state-mandated student sexual health and relationship presentation online via Microsoft Teams on January 28 at 7:30 pm.
Students who attend tutoring 10 times will earn $50 in Wildcat Cash.
Stop the Bleed training for all secondary students, parents and community members 2-18 6-8pm.
Semester Exams are next week Mon-Thurs. No backpacks are allowed this week.
Dress up for Hope Week December 2-6
Donate new, unwrapped toys worth at least $5 to donate to toys for tots.The winning team gets an advisory party, and more toys = more teachers kissing pigs!